
Mary Katherine Arotin
Junior with a major in Chemical Engineering with an environmental concentration. <p>Favorite Part of ZTA: My favorite Zeta memory is becoming Zeta sisters with my Mom. It was a very special moment for me when she passed down the drop letters she received when she became a member. The drop letters, and the meaning behind them, will forever hold a special place in my heart. </p> <p>Fun Fact: I'm obsessed with ketchup!</p>
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Jessica Signorelli
Vice President of Programming
Junior with a major in Petroleum Engineering. <p>Favorite Part of ZTA: What I love most about ZTA is this organization's capacity to shape and empower the women who accept a bid. The opportunities that ZTA has provided for me and the women that it has brought into my life have allowed me to grow and learn more than I could have ever imagined. <p>Fun Fact: I love to bake and frequently use the ZTA House kitchen to make sweets for my sisters :)
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Kailyn Kitto
Vice President of New Members
Junior with a major in biology. <p>Favorite Part of ZTA: Getting to go downstairs at 5:30 every night and eat dinner with all of my best friends. We laugh, we vent, and sometimes we cry, but I know I’ll miss these nights the most when I look back at my time in Zeta. </p> <p>Fun Fact: I don't like crawfish! </p>
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Arden Arceneaux
Vice President of Recruitment and Membership
Junior with a major in fashion merchandising. <p>Favorite Part of ZTA:My favorite Zeta memory was actually when recruitment was delayed because of the flood ): but I decided to hang out with whoever else was stranded here and I made some of my greatest friends (: </p> <p>Fun Fact: I love makeup! </p>
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Brooke Wade
Sophomore with a major in Petroleum Engineering. <p>Favorite thing about ZTA: There is always someone who has your back. You always have a sister to watch TV with. If you need to be picked up from the library at 2 AM, there is always a sister willing to come get you. If you missed the bus and need a ride to class, a sister will give you one. If you had a bad day, there is always a sister there to cheer you up. The bond that we have with our sisters makes them feel like family. <p>Fun Fact: I travel a lot and have been to 22 countries!
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Taylor Oliver
Public Relations Chair
Junior with a major in Mass Communications with a concentration in Digital Advertising and minors in Business and Visual Communication. <p>Favorite thing about ZTA: Zeta is there for me when I'm having my roughest days. I love living with my sisters because no matter what room I'm in, I'm with my friends! <p>Fun Fact: Crawfish is my favorite food!
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Caroline Duclaux
Risk Management Chair
Sophomore with a major in Kinesiology. <p> Favorite thing about ZTA: It connects me to so many wonderful women. My grandmoither was a ZTA (Delta nu founder) and it was something I never knew until I had joined ZTA. ZTA is something that lasts a lifetime and the memories and connection you make stay with you forever. My gma still talks about the wonderful times she had as a ZTA and still remains friends with all her sisters she met when she was a ZTA and I cant wait to have the same lifetime experience. ZTA isn't just for college, its forever. <p>Fun Fact: I have 9 toes because I had cancer, but I'm 7 years in remission!
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Katherine Blunt
Panhellenic Representative
Junior with a major in Sociology. <p>Favorite thing about ZTA: My favorite memory is my freshman year bid day when we all jumped into a pool! <p>Fun Fact: I'm from Virginia, and I have a twin!
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Alysia DesCoteaux
Academics Chair
Junior with a major in Mass Communication, with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Business Administration <p>Favorite thing about ZTA: I love that every day I get to learn how to be a leader and grow as a person with the help of my sisters. If it weren't for my sisters, I don't know what I would be doing or where I would be right now! <p>Fun Fact: I love otters more than anything. Did you know that otters hold hands when they sleep so that they don't float away from each other?
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Leilah Alkadi
House Manager
Junior with a major in Biology. <p>Favorite thing about ZTA: My favorite ZTA memory would have to be my big/little reveal; my big had a broken foot and was wearing a boot, but she took it off and tricked me during reveal because i couldnt see the boot. <p>Fun Fact: I'm bilingual!
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Evans Dyason
Rituals Chair
Junior with a major in Kinesiology and a concentration in Human Movement. <p>Favorite Thing about ZTA: My favorite thing about ZTA is our silliness. We play jokes on each other, and have so many inside jokes. There's never a dull moment! <p>Fun Fact: I've been to the same amount of states as I have countries... 12!
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