
Delta Kappa has a unique program set up for the women to ensure academic success. During the fall semester of 2014, we started a new program that has excelled in boosting our overall chapter GPA and positivity towards study hours. Our program has recently been modified in the spring of 2017.

Academic Mentor Program:

Girls on study hours are separated into groups of 3-4 based on their major. A mentor will be chosen as a leader of this group and will guide her girls in academic success. This program encourages these girls to study together and motivate each other.


In the spring semester of 2017, our Academic Chair implemented a new tutoring service within our chapter. Many of our older members volunteer their time, either paid or unpaid, to tutor members in their LSU classes and help with projects.

Is a national academic achievement website that caters to our members and provides assistance to girls who need things such as time management skills, resume building, or study skills. 

We also have a lot of programs through out the year to help inspire the girls. Our Academic Achievement Chair encourages members to excel by awarding members for receiving A's on exams, provide an opportunity to network with a Professor Dinner for girls to invite professors to the house, providing study snacks during midterms and finals, and so much more.

The Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation also rewards members with scholarships every year. ZTA takes pride in our academics and aims to help every member succeed to her fullest at LSU.

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